Hi there everyone. Welcome to The BD Class Blog. We are a bunch of cool Year 1s from Discovery School. We are in Mr D and Mrs E's class. We love blogging. You can find out about all the cool work we do in class. If you make a comment, it will get sent to Mr D for moderation, then he will publish it. Thanks for visiting and pop back for a visit soon.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

24/11/10 What's Going On in BD Class?

We had a great day with Mrs Stewart today. We started off the morning with working on our group narratives. Leo's mum came and helped us too. For maths, we did some more work about area. We had to make a quilt for baby bear. We had to work our how many pieces would make his quilt. This is what we found out.
After linch, Leo's Grammy came in and did some drama with us. We were learning to use our faces to show different feelings. See if you can guess what feelings are being shown in these pictures.

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