Hi there everyone. Welcome to The BD Class Blog. We are a bunch of cool Year 1s from Discovery School. We are in Mr D and Mrs E's class. We love blogging. You can find out about all the cool work we do in class. If you make a comment, it will get sent to Mr D for moderation, then he will publish it. Thanks for visiting and pop back for a visit soon.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

29/02/12 What's Going on in BD Class?

Today was Leap Day. Eddie and Roberta told us all about why we have a leap day. Have a listen to what they say to find out. So Bailey had the honour of being our Leap Day Star.

It was straight off to swimming this morning and we had another great time in the pool. Everyone is doing so well in the pool. Check out these photos of what we got up to.
We got in printing and reading before lunch. Then we got into out topic "I  Am a Marine Biologist." To start with we got into learning buddies and drew what we thought a beach might look like or have. Here are our very first ideas.

Next we looked at a whole lot of different beaches then had a big discussion about what a beach is.

We are looking forward to learning more about marine environments.

29/02/12 G'Day with Eddie and Roberta

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

28/02/12 What's Going on in BD Class?

It has been a really busy couple of days in BD Class. The big new was our trip to Island Bay Marine Centre yesterday. We had such a great time down at the beach looking for all kinds of beach things so that we could make a castle or sand sculpture.
We went to the park at Island Bay for lunch, then it was our turn to visit the bait house with Jules. He told us about what marine biologists do. You can check out some of the amazing creatures we saw below.
We had a great time picking up the different creatures. Some of us were very brave because we had never done it before.

After we had some time in the bait house, we went for a look around the rock pools and found all sorts of things.

So we had an awesome time down at Island Bay. We were all pretty tired on the ride home on the bus.

Today we were all a little bit tired. Haylee was our Star of the Day.
We did some more Letterland work looking at the "long-a" sound. This time it was "ay."

28/02/12 G'Day with Robert and Ella

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

21/02/12 What's Going on in BD Class?

It has been a busy couple of days in BD Class. Mr D was back on board today. We started off the day with some more statistics. We looked at another kind of glyph. This was an ice-cream van glyph. We made our choices today, then we will sort them tomorrow.
Mr D shared a funny story for writing today. We were trying tom make sure we put fullstops in the right place so our writing makes sense. Mr D left out all his fullstops so we had to put them in.
Yesterday we looked at two more vowel men and the sound the make. These two also make an "ay" sound. Here a lots of words that have that sound in them.
Mr D shared our Reading Planets today. These show where we are on the Ready to Read colour wheel. Our goal is to keep on moving planets. The more we practise reading and get better at it, we will fly to the next planet.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

14/02/12 What's Going on in BD Class

It was Thomas' birthday today so he was Star of the Day. Thomas shared his new tuatara and shared lots of interesting information about skinks.

For statistics we looked at when our class has it's birthdays. We found out some interesting things about our class.
We went out and did some more shot-put practise this morning. We had a little competition to see who could throw the furthest. The winner was....Keyon. He threw it with really good technique. Well done Keyon.
For writing today, we wrote about things that we really like. Mr D shared about how much he likes coffee.

14/02/12 G'Day with Robert and Eddie

Monday, February 13, 2012

13/02/12 What's Going on in BD Class?

The week got off to a very busy start today. Sophie was our Star of the Day today.

We kicked the day of with some statistics. We looked at our clown glyphs and chose 3 things that we could make comments about. 

First we looked at how many letters we have in our names. We found out that most people have 5 or 6 letters in their names. Only one person had three letter and one person had 9 letters.
Next we looked at who has brothers, sisters or both in their family. We found out that there were more people with sisters. We said that will mean there will be lots of girls starting Discovery School soon.
Finally we looked the different ways we get to school. We thought this was very interesting! We found out that most people came by car. Celestine said that people come by car if they live far away. Some people who lived near school walked to get to class.
We went out for PE and practise doing the shot-put. Mr D was amazed at how quickly we picked it up. Lokesh and Haylee did really well. When we got back to class we watched a YouTube clip of Jacko Gill doing the shot put.
For writing today, we talked about how to plan out our weekend stories. We worked out what questions we need to ask and what things to think about. Mr D shared a weekend story with us too.
For reading, we looked at what happens when "Magic-E" appears at the end of the words. Here are a whole lot of words that have "a" and "Magic-e."
We did our printing this afternoon and practised how to do the letter "d". It starts like an "a" but keeps going up to the top of the line and down again.
Then this afternoon we went swimming. Everyone was so good in the pool. Mr D thinks he really does have a school of fish in his class!

13/02/12 G'Day with Robert and Eddie

10/02/12 What's Going on in BD Class?

We have a had a cool couple of days with Mrs Berney. Today we did some amazing self-portraits. Mrs Berney showed us how to draw our faces. We learnt things like: our eyes are half-way down our heads and our mouth is half way between our nose and our chin. You can see our portraits here:
 Our classroom is looking pretty cool now too!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

08/02/12 What's Going on in BD Class?

It was another busy day today. It was Keyon's birthday today so Mr D thought it would be good for him to be Star of the Day today.

This morning we did some more statistics using glyphs. These glyphs had even more information. We will do some sorting and commenting tomorrow.

We had our first go at writing for the first time this year. Mr D wrote a boring story. We worked out different ways of making our writing more interesting by using great describing words. You can see how we changed Mr D's story. Mr D also told us about what feedback we would be getting in our book.
(Y) Yellow means the things we have done well.
(G) Green means things we need to work on.

We did printing today and Mr D was really impressed with how neat our printing was. Here is our practise movie.
After lunch we got into buddies and we went out and took photos of each other and things we found interesting. We had to take a long shot, mid shot and close up of our buddies. Then we got to take some cool arty photos. Check them out.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

08/02/12 G'Day with Robert and Eddie

07/02/12 What's Going on in BD Class?

It has been a great day today. It started off with Michael being the "Star of the Day."
The first thing we did was a Human Treasure Hunt. We had to find people who had done these things on the sheet. We had to try and make sure that we had nine different people.

After that we made some glyphs. A glyph is a picture that can give us lots of information. Look at the slideshow below to find out about our glyphs.
After morning tea we got into groups and we talked about what would make our classroom a great place to be. Mr D thought our ideas were awesome.
We also learned about "tweeting" on Twitter. We think it will be really cool to tweet about our learning.