Hi there everyone. Welcome to The BD Class Blog. We are a bunch of cool Year 1s from Discovery School. We are in Mr D and Mrs E's class. We love blogging. You can find out about all the cool work we do in class. If you make a comment, it will get sent to Mr D for moderation, then he will publish it. Thanks for visiting and pop back for a visit soon.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

25/02/15 Today in BD Class

This morning we went for a walk down to the tunnel. We tiptoed, whistled, screamed and hooted. We had a great time. We recorded our ideas by thinking about what we saw, heard and felt.

We had our first swimming session today.It was heaps of fun! Mr D was really impressed with how quickly we got changed and sorted out. Here is a bit of what we got up to.
Our Stars of the Day for the past two days were Caleb and Sophie.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

23/02/15 Today in BD Class

We have been working hard today. We did some great writing with Mr D. We were try hard to listen for all the sounds we could hear in a word. We used sound boxes to do this. A lot of us wrote about going to the Whitby Fun Day.
For our shared book this week, we are reading "Locked Out." This is a cool story about a family who have left their keys inside and have to try and find a way into the house. You can read it here and watch the movie too.

Today our Star of the Day today was Marissa. Langley had a bath over the weekend so he was sparkly clean when Marissa took him home.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

18/02/15 Today in BD Class

It was another beautiful day today. This morning we went out and had a go on the big new slide. It was awesome. For writing we were trying to use descriptive words to make it interesting.

We also went out and did some more training at using the shot put. We are learning to PUSH it rather than throw it. This is a video of someone doing the shot-put.

Our Stars of the Day, yesterday and today were Kyra and Austin.

Monday, February 16, 2015

16/02/15 Today in BD Class

It's great to be back at school for another week. Today, Sam was the Star of the Day

For writing today we were learning to listen for all the sounds we could hear in a word. Here is what we did together with Mr D.
This morning, we read the story "Miss Pool is Cool." We learnt that "oo" can make two sounds. It can make a long sound and a short sound. Here is the story. You can read this with someone at home then watch the movie.

This afternoon we looked at how many letters are in our name. We made a graph using the Mimio. Here is what we found out.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

11/02/15-Today in BD Class

We had a day looking at different creatures. We looked at the caterpillars this morning and did some great writing. Paige and George got to show Mrs Jennings their writing. We watched a cool movie about how a butterfly starts from an egg.
Then we read "Watch Me!" again and made our own paper bag frogs. They look awesome in the classroom.
Mr D taught us to use a cool iPad app called ChatterKid. Look what we did with our frogs.
Jack was our Star of the Day and got to take Langley home today.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 1/2 (So far) in BD Class

Welcome to the BD Class Blog for 2015. It's great that you can join us for our learning this year. Our term has got off to a great start. There are our "Stars of the Day" so far this year.

We have done some shared reading in Week 1. We read the story "Where Is Miss Pool?" We made our own Miss Pool and hid her somewhere in the classroom. Here is the story and the activity we did.

For maths, we learnt a game called "Beep." We are learning to count and have special numbers that we have to skip. If you are a "beep" number, you have to sit down.

We have learning about glyphs. We can get lots of information from a glyph. We coloured them in different ways and sorted the information. 


This week have been reading the story "Watch Me!" It is about a tadpole turning into a frog. We did a cool ordering activity where we had to sort the stages of a tadpole turning into a frog.