Hi there everyone. Welcome to The BD Class Blog. We are a bunch of cool Year 1s from Discovery School. We are in Mr D and Mrs E's class. We love blogging. You can find out about all the cool work we do in class. If you make a comment, it will get sent to Mr D for moderation, then he will publish it. Thanks for visiting and pop back for a visit soon.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Week 6 in BD Class

We have had a great week in BD Class. We have been doing some amazing writing, amazing maths and amazing reading.

This week we have been looking at more "s" blends

On Tuesday, it was a rainy day. We did some rain dancing for language experience. It was great fun!

On Wednesday we watched, read and listened to the story Watercress Tuna and the Children of Champion Street.
For writing we made our own innovation of the story. We illustrated our stories and you will be able to see them next week.


  1. What a fun week of learning, love the rain dancing!

  2. Jack's Grandma MaryJune 14, 2014 at 6:53 PM

    What fun! I am sure that you discovered a lot of water and rain words. I wish that we had been allowed to do rain dancing when I was in Year One at school.
