It was another really busy week in BD Class. We had more people reach their next Nights Reading stickers. We done to Blake & Vincent (100), Maddison (125) and Harrison (150).
On Tuesday we went on a bear hunt with RG Class. We did this for our language experience this week. We had lots of fun singing the Bear Hunt song and walking around the neighborhood. Miss Griffin videoed our bear hunt. Check it out here.
After our bear hunt we did some writing about what we did. We were trying to tell a story by having a beginning, middle and an end.
We also watched the Three Little Pigs. We had a go at writing introductions to the story. We had to make sure we wrote about the characters, the setting and the problem. Here is what we watched and how we had a go at writing the introduction.
We also watched the Three Little Pigs. We had a go at writing introductions to the story. We had to make sure we wrote about the characters, the setting and the problem. Here is what we watched and how we had a go at writing the introduction.
We also had a talk about times when we feel safe. We came up with some great ideas.