It was so nice to have such a sunny day today. We all got to play outside and have a great time at morning tea and lunch. William was our Star of the Day today.
We did some amazing printing today. Mr D was so proud of us. We looked at the letter "m" today. It is very similar to doing an "n".We have been learning about positional language with Mrs Berney. We have been learning about using words like:
on, under, beside, in, on top, in-between, next to
We made houses for the tiny teddies and wrote about where our teddy was.We also made a Humpty Dumpty each. We made a wall of all the words we are learning and we put our Humpties on the wall. We wrote statements about where our Humpties were.
We did some great writing today as well. We are working hard to make sure that we leave spaces between each word and try and write all the sounds we hear in a word.
I liked making the humpty dumpty, and today we made birds in a nest. William