Hi there everyone. Welcome to The BD Class Blog. We are a bunch of cool Year 1s from Discovery School. We are in Mr D and Mrs E's class. We love blogging. You can find out about all the cool work we do in class. If you make a comment, it will get sent to Mr D for moderation, then he will publish it. Thanks for visiting and pop back for a visit soon.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

11/02/10 What's Going On?

It was a cloudy, muggy day today. We had a great time at Kapahaka with Papa Murray. He was very impressed that we remembered a lot of the songs and actions. We learnt a new song at reading time. It was about t-shirts and we really rocked out to it.
At writing time we wrote stories about our favourite things. You can see a picture of our writing model below. We write the story with Mr D and he gets us to sound out the words. When the story is finished he ticks the sounds we got right and then writes the proper word above it. It helps us to see what we have done well in our writing. Tomorrow is the end of Week 2. Boy it is going by very fast!


  1. Ah... so it's "Papa Murray". Mackenzie always pronounced it "Papa Maori"
