Hi there everyone. Welcome to The BD Class Blog. We are a bunch of cool Year 1s from Discovery School. We are in Mr D and Mrs E's class. We love blogging. You can find out about all the cool work we do in class. If you make a comment, it will get sent to Mr D for moderation, then he will publish it. Thanks for visiting and pop back for a visit soon.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

13/11/12 What's Going On

For maths we have been learning about fractions. We know that fractions are really the same as dividing. Mr D found this cool video to help us with our fractions.
We are learning to find the fraction of set. We have been using our division and multiplication skills to work this out.

After morning tea today we planted some seeds. We talked about all the things that a plant needed to grow. We planted some watercress and bean seeds. It is going to be really interesting to see how things grow!

A couple of weeks ago we had Anton and Lucy from Rhythm Interactive come to the school to do a drumming show. It was amazing. There were 200 drums, 200 kids and lots of noise.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

07/11/12 What's Going On?

The day started of with Lily's mum coming in to read to us. She read two really cool books called:
We all really enjoyed these stories. The Dr. Seuss story is pretty tricky to read.

We worked really hard on getting our narratives finished. We story boarded out our narratives and took photos of each scene. The next thing is to put these in order and record our stories. Mr D has been really impressed with how well everyone has worked together.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

06/11/12 What's Going On?

We had a very productive day today. Because it is book week we are working in pairs to create our own stories. We are taking a story we know well and we're making a few changes to it. We had to plan out our setting, characters, problem and how the problem is solved. Then we wrote down our stories. Tomorrow we are going to be story boarding our narrative then taking photos. We are using all of the toys as our characters, photos as our back grounds then taking photos of them. Then we will put the photos together and record our stories. This the kind of thing we're going to be doing.
Christopher's mum came and read two stories to us today.
 They were:
We really enjoyed them. Because she read "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" we watched a little movie that Mr D did with his class last year. It was funny because Ashleigh, William,. Sophie and Holly looked so little.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

05/11/12 What's Going On

We have some champion readers in our class. Check out all of these people who have reached reading milestones.
We have started our new topic. So on Tuesday, Mr D got us into groups and we went out with cameras to take pictures of living and non-living things. We downloaded the photos then sorted them. Here is what we came up with.

To work out how we know if something is living or non-living, we got Cookie Monster to help us. We all thought it was pretty funny.
Now we now the difference. We are going to be doing some more investigations.