Hi there everyone. Welcome to The BD Class Blog. We are a bunch of cool Year 1s from Discovery School. We are in Mr D and Mrs E's class. We love blogging. You can find out about all the cool work we do in class. If you make a comment, it will get sent to Mr D for moderation, then he will publish it. Thanks for visiting and pop back for a visit soon.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

19/06/12 What's Going On?

It was a wet and windy day at school today. We kicked off the day with maths where we beat our time for subtraction "Around the World." The cool thing is that we are remembering what the basic facts are rather than working it out.

For writing today we watched a Matariki story. This is the story we heard in the Cosmodome when it visited.

After that we looked at some Matariki facts. We are learning to write reports to share information with people. We looked at the Matariki book and highlighted all of the important facts. Then we had a go at writing it ourselves.
Today, Mr D took a pictures of the people in our class who have got their next reading award stickers.
50 Nights
 75 Nights
100 Nights 

Monday, June 18, 2012

18/06/12 What's Going On?

This week we are going to be learning all about Matariki. Matariki is a very special day on the Maori calendar. It is the start of the Maori new year.
We started today looking at our next Letterland sounds. Today we looked at "ow". There are two different sounds that "ow" make. We learnt about one when we were learning about the long-o sound.

Mr D was really impressed with how everyone went in their reading groups today. The whole class has really worked hard with their reading skills.

After morning tea we read a book about Matariki. Then we went to the computer suite to do some more KidPix illustrations.
We used a whole lot of skills from last time then had a go at using some different effects to make our stars look like they were glowing. We thought the results were awesome.

Then after lunch we looked at the night sky and learnt about some of the different constellations.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

12/06/12 What's Going On?

We have had a busy couple of days in BD Class. We have been learning some more tricky vowel sounds. This week we have been learning about "or", "our" and "ore". We found heaps of words!
Today for our "I Am a Traveller" topic we visited a famous landmark called Pont Saint-BĂ©nezet in Avignon. It was a bridge built between 1171 and 1175. We found out that it collapsed a lot because of floods. It used to be 900 metres long. Now it is much smaller.

We learnt a famous French folk song about this bridge. We practised the words then had a go at dancing ourselves. We had a great time. We also checked out some other French folk songs as well.

Christopher and Lily did a demonstration for our buddy class.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

06/06/12 What's Going On?

Today we had a major writing day. After all the stormy weather we got inspired to write. So we brainstormed a whole lot of ideas.
We wrote a story together with some great ideas coming from everyone in the class.
After we wrote our stories we went to the computer suite and used KidPix to illustrate our amazing writing. We learnt new skills such as: using drawing tools, the fill bucket, stickers, flattening an image and exporting it. Mr D was really impressed with how well we did.
Mr D typed up our writing and added our illustrations to it. Check out the full version here: http://snack.to/fun0biik

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

05/06/12 What's Going On?

It was great to see everyone after a long weekend. We got to work really quickly today. We set a record time for Around the World which was great. Even though we did have 3 people less than usual. We beat Mr D at Traffic lights today.
For writing today we looked at putting in fullstops and capitals for Mr D's weekend report. We also looked at fixing up the spelling and making it sound a bit better. Mr D was impressed that we remembered about the different vowel sounds that happen in words like "ea" and "ee".
We looked at some new vowel phonemes in Letterland. We found heaps of words that have "ar" in them.
This afternoon we went to our art workshop. We did some great work and did some amazing still life drawings.
Check out the full version here: http://snack.to/fuiloiik