Hi there everyone. Welcome to The BD Class Blog. We are a bunch of cool Year 1s from Discovery School. We are in Mr D and Mrs E's class. We love blogging. You can find out about all the cool work we do in class. If you make a comment, it will get sent to Mr D for moderation, then he will publish it. Thanks for visiting and pop back for a visit soon.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

13/12/11 What's Going On in BD Class?

What a cool day! We had an exciting day because we got to meet our new classes and teachers for next year. Some of us are going to Miss Martin, some to Mrs Harvey and some to Mr D. All the teachers thought their new classes were lovely. We did some writing about it today.
For reading we looked at our last blends for the year.
This afternoon we sorted out all of our artwork and bits and pieces to take home. We have done lots of work!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

07/12/11 What's Going On in BD Class?

Finally we had a not-so-rainy day today. Shanelle and Logan were our awesome Stars of the Day today.
This morning, Mr D's maths groups did some impressive maths. We were learning to make numbers out of tens and ones blocks. We started playing some maths games to get us ready. You can click on the pictures below to play the games.
Then we started to make numbers. Mr D showed us what a thousand looked like. Then 10 thousand, then 100 thousand, then a million. A million little blocks would be so many!

After maths we went for a rainy walk down to the mysterious bridge. 
We wondered what might live under the bridge. After running through the rain to get back to class we did a brainstorm about our "under the bridge" ideas. 
Then we had a go at writing our stories. We were trying to use interesting descriptive writing.

07/12/11 Good Morning with Ella and Eddie

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

06/12/11 What's Going On in BD Class?

It was another busy day in BD Class. We now have 30 people in our class. We hardly fit onto our mat area now! Matthew started school today so he was one of our Stars of the Day with Baxter.
We did some amazing writing again today. Mr D was blown away by the awesome sounding out by everyone. The class spelt out some pretty tricky words.

After morning tea we got stuck into our printing. We have started to practise doing some numbers now because Mr D had seen lots of us doing our numbers around the wrong way. We also practised the letter "x" as well.
This afternoon we did another Kapa Haka practise then went off to learn some tennis skills with Isaac from Grasshopper Tennis. We played some games then practised some hitting. It was pretty tricky.

06/12/11 Good Morning with Robert and Eddie

Monday, December 5, 2011

05/12/11 What's Going On in BD Class?

Today got off to a bit of a rainy start. But it was good to be back at school. We welcomed Niamh to school and she was also our Star of the Day.

We did our maths and writing this morning. In maths we are learning about counting backwards. We are trying to remember the pattern of: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then a ten or "ty" number. 

We are still working on writing our beginning, middle and end sounds for writing. We did pretty well today.
For reading we did our next blend. It is "spl". Now are getting really tricky!
We won't be having our Kapa Haka performance tonight because the weather is bad. We did a dress rehearsal for the kindy kids today. We sounded great.

05/12/11 Good Morning with Robert and Eddie

28/11/11-02/12/11 What's Going On in BD Class?

WOW! It has been a really busy week in BD Class. Everyone has been working so hard. We have been doing some really good writing over the past week. We have been trying to make sure that we write all the sounds we can hear in a word. Mr D had us working on the whiteboards to spell the words as he wrote his story. You can see how we went by looking at all the ticks above the words we tried to spell.
We have also been doing some tricky blend work. This week we looked at "sc" and "scr". We came up with a whole bunch of words that have those sounds in them.

We have been practising really hard for the Kapa Haka showcase next week. On Friday we made our special headbands for the performance. We will wear them on Monday night when we perform.

We also had some visiting Taiko drummers come to school. These drums come from Japan. The drums we really loud!