Hi there everyone. Welcome to The BD Class Blog. We are a bunch of cool Year 1s from Discovery School. We are in Mr D and Mrs E's class. We love blogging. You can find out about all the cool work we do in class. If you make a comment, it will get sent to Mr D for moderation, then he will publish it. Thanks for visiting and pop back for a visit soon.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

2010-A Year in BD Class

Hi there everyone...all parents, caregivers, extended family, friends. 

It is hard to believe that today is the last day of the year. It still remember all your children at the start of the year. They have grown so much and I am so proud of them all. Your children are such a wonderful bunch of kids. I have enjoyed every minute of my time with them. 

I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for all your support this year. It makes my job so much easier when I have such wonderful supportive parents. 

Have a wonderful Christmas and prosperous New Year.
All the best and God bless.

Mr D
Here is our year in 3 minutes and 49 seconds.
And here's one for all you grown ups too.
I bet you're glad you weren't playing a game here!
Our final "Who's Here?"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mr D for being such a wonderful teacher and role model to the children - they are a lucky bunch of kids who were priviledged to have you as their teacher. Congratulations on your Acting Principal role - a fantastic opportunity for you!
    Merry Christmas, and you too have a wonderful holiday with your family.
    Ellen Family
