Hi there everyone. Welcome to The BD Class Blog. We are a bunch of cool Year 1s from Discovery School. We are in Mr D and Mrs E's class. We love blogging. You can find out about all the cool work we do in class. If you make a comment, it will get sent to Mr D for moderation, then he will publish it. Thanks for visiting and pop back for a visit soon.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week 8 in BD Class

The rest of this week was all a bit crazy. We had cross-country on Wednesday. Harry got first in the Year 1 boys and Madison C got third in the Year 1 girls. Great stuff guys!

On Thursday we shared all of our Science Fair work with the rest of the school, Here is a summary of all the work we did this term.
We looked at the "sk" blend as well on Friday. Now we have to learn the different between "sc" and "sk".
On Friday, Mr D broke out the iPads and we did a really cool activity using a photo app called "HalfTone." We chose an object around the classroom and had to say what it was is Maori. They look really awesome. Check them out!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

24/06/13-25/06/13 What's Going On In BD Class?

We've had an interesting couple of days in BD Class. On Monday, we started to look at all our blends starting with "s". First up we are looking at "sc".
We did some great writing this week. We're still focusing on using fullstops at the end of ideas and using interesting vocabulary. 

On Tuesday, we went for a "Winter Walk" to check out the forest. Some of the big trees came down in the storm, so we did some good describig writing about it.

For our science topic, we did an interesting experiment with a piece of paper. Check out what we did.

What will happen when I blow across the paper?
Prediction: (What we think will happen)
Catch the wind (Caleb)
It will float (Amy)it will whip (Harry)
It will go up (Dylan)
It will ripple from side to side (Blake)

It was amazing...the paper flew up!

Here is why we thought it flew up.

The air sneaks under/through
The paper is light
The air pushed it up

Mr D found an interesting video about why the paper flew up because it is like an aeroplane wing..

Today we looked at using our bodies to make different sounds. We got people to combine different moves to make different sounds. It was really interesting the different sounds we could make. Mr D showed us a really cool song by a choir that only use their bodies and voices to make music. It is pretty amazing.
Here is another cool example of body percussion.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Holly's missing her class mates, but is having an Travelling Adventure with Goliath....!

Hi everyone! I'm missing all my class mates and teachers too, but am having a great time exploring with Goliath and my family. So far we've been to Australia, Singapore, England (if only briefly!) and are currently staying in Germany. My Grandparents live in Germany, in a small Spa town called Bad Wildungen, I have it here and spending time with my Omi & Opa (German for Grandmother and Grandfather!). Firstly we left Wellington and flew to Auckland, where we waited in the lounge before boarding a bigger airplane to Singapore. We spent a couple of day there before the long flight to London-Heathrow and then the last leg onto Frankfurt. My little sister, Chloe, and I loved the flight and our Daddy said we did really well with the long flights.

Yesterday me, Goliath, Chloe, Mummy and Daddy went to a shopping Mall near a place called Kassel, which is about 45 mins from where we're staying. We had a great time and I had a ride on a Merry-Go-Round Unicorn .........and a 'real one'! I will updae you all again soon......bye for now.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

18/06/13 What's Going On in BD Class?

This morning Mr D did the Flying Tea Bag experiment with the rest of the Year 1 classes. We were very good at not giving away what would happen. In our writing we tried to focus on using some interesting describing words.
We looked at two  more of our Letterland Blends today. 

We set a new 2 Dice record today of 1 minute 58 seconds. We are getting fater at remembering what two dice add up to.

Monday, June 17, 2013

17/06/13 What's Going On In BD Class?

Today we only ended up with 15 children in the class. But we still did some great learning. This week we are looking at all the blends with "r" in it. Today we looked at "br" and "cr."

This afternoon we did another really awesome experiment. This time Mr D lit a tea bag on fire. We made some predictions about what would happen. 
Then we observed what happened. Finally we thought about why the tea bag did what it did. 
Check out the video: 

Week 6 in BD Class

Last week was another very busy week. We started to look at all of the "l" blends. On Monday we looked at "bl" and "cl". Over the rest of the week we looked at "fl", "gl", "pl" and "sl."

On Tuesday we went out and did some great kite flying to celebrate Matariki. The jellyfish kites looked amazing. We did some great writing again.
On Tuesday afternoon we did a really cool experiment for science. We got a table, turned it upside down and put it on some balloons. Check out how many people we managed to get on the balloon!
We found out that air was really, really strong. If the balloon didn't pop, we would have put more people on the table. We found out that there were lots of different things that use air to keep us off the ground or on top of the water.

Monday, June 10, 2013

10/06/13 What's Going on in BD Class?

This morning we equaled our best two dice time. Mr D reckons we will beat it tomorrow. We did some great writing today. We are getting so much better at putting in our full stops at the end of ideas.
We have 5 more people who have achieved their next  "Nights Reading" stickers. Well done guys.
This week we will be looking at all the blends that have "l" in them. Today we looked at "bl" and "cl."

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week 5 in BD Class

It has been a very busy week in BD Class. We have done some great writing this week. Mr D was really impressed with the way the class was thinking about where to put full stops in their writing.
For Letterland, we looked at these double letters. We cam up with lots of words that have those letters in them.
At the last couple of assemblies we have had two of our class get School Achievement awards. Well done Harrison and Rebecca.
We have been doing some interesting science experiments about air. Check out some of our learning.